'Chimp Finder'  
a LIAISON system

KETC - Channel 9
Living St. Louis

host: Jim Kirchherr
(Emmy award winning show, host, producer)

TV - 30 minute PBS program
Aired: May - 2005 - Sept. 2006
St. Louis, Missouri

KSDK - Channel 5 News
Show Me St. Louis

TV - News Segment
Aired: May 2005
St. Louis, Missouri

West End Word
Chimp Finder makes international debut in Fragile Forest

May 18-24, 2005
St. Louis, Missouri

Appeared in numerous newspapers
in St. Louis area
(Post Dispatch, etc)
No Monkeying Around / Primates get New Home At St. Louis Zoo

May-June, 2005
St. Louis, Missouri

Current Zoo and Conservation News
St. Louis Zoo Unveils "Fragile Forest"

April 21 - May 20, 2005
San Diego Zoo.org/News

Lexington Kentucky Monthly
St. Louis Zoo opens new facility for apes

May 2005
Lexington, KY


Saint Louis Zoo
Donn & Marilyn Lipton Fragile Forest Fact Sheet

May 2005
St. Louis, MO
News Channel Five - KSDK
Where the News Comes First

St. Louis Zoo Unveils New Chimp Refuge "Fragile Forest"

St. Louis, Missouri
Saint Louis Zoo News
Fragile Forest Opens May 13 at St. Louis Zoo: Exciting new outdoor habitats for chimpanzees and orangutans

For immediate Release April 8, 2005
St. Louis, MO

(Viper Vertex records KSDK videotaping at St. Louis Zoo)
TV - news
St. Louis, Missouri
