Total Solar Eclipse:
1994 Nov 3
7-9:30 am
Location: Bolivian Andes, Outside
of Potasi
Potasi is a small mining town near the foothills of the Andes. Once
famous for its thriving silver mine, Cero Rico, a still a prominent
feature of the city. We were 2 hours outside of Potasi, 15,000' up
in the foothills of the Bolivian Andes overlooking a large canyon
about one half mile from a Quetuan Indian dwelling. During totality,
the Quetuan indian family set their dogs to barking, beat on pots
and pans, and lit 2 bonn fires to scare away the jaguar monster believed
to be eating the sun. The beautiful assymetrical corona had large
extended streamers that filled the sky during totality.